Law of Attraction Tips and Ideas


Waiting does not get you what you want; you need to create what you want in your life.  For example, I had waited for a long time to find the right person for me.  Then I learned that you do not “find” the right person, home, career, etc. you create those things with your thoughts.  If you are looking for things that you have not yet created in your reality, then it is like painting a painting and trying to find something in it that you have not painted yet. 

I learned that for the right person to come into your life, you have to get specific about what this person will be like, believe you can be with the person, and imagine being with them and feel those feelings until the person comes into your reality.  As it says in the book “The Secret”, you need to summon what you want into your life, otherwise you can be waiting forever for it – and it does not take time to create what you want.  Thinking that you have to wait for things limits your experiences in the limited time you have on this earth. 

When the person or thing that you want does appear, be ready to receive. If you are not ready to receive something, do not summon it into your life yet because you will not feel good if you are not ready to receive what you want.  I believe that this is a reason why we end up with unrequited love. According to the law of attraction, we can have, do or be whatever we choose, so what limits us is conflict within ourselves – uncertainty about what we want and fear and doubt. And many do not have the things that they want in life because they never get clear about what they really want.  So get clear about what you want and visualize and summon your wishes often and with certainty!


I have realized that “love at first sight” might happen because it may actually not be your very first encounter with the person.  In terms of the Law of Attraction, if you are trying to summon a love into your life, the first time you meet them may not be the first connection you had with them.  A connection was made when you imagined what the person would be like and summoned them into your life.  So you may feel an instant love connection to the person since they are someone that you manifested into your life and without realizing this, you might call the connection “love at first sight”. 

The law of attraction might also account for why you sometimes feel like you have met someone before, or feelings of déjà vu.  When you feel like you already know the person that you have just met, perhaps it is because they are someone that you wanted to manifest into your life. 

There is also the idea of parallel universes.  In this theory, each of us is living many different lives in many universes.  I think that maybe when you have a deja vu feeling, you are feeling something that you have done in another universe.



Society teaches us that we need to prove ourselves to be successful.  Society says that we  need to prove ourselves with good grades, a good career, etc., but in terms of the Law of Attraction, you do not need to prove yourself to anyone since you are the creator of your own reality, you can create anything in your life that you want so proving yourself is not necessary.  If you think you have to prove yourself, this sends a message to the universe that you do not think that you are worthy to get what you want now, in the present.  This can delay what you want from coming to you because, according to the Law of Attraction, you need to feel worthy now, to get what you want.

You must feel like you already have what it is you want, so when you chase after something, you send a signal to the universe that you don’t have confidence that you can have it now because you think you have to chase after it instead of it coming to you.  If you set an intention for something to come to you, and your intention is certain, clear, and without fear and doubt, then what you want will come to you, so there is no need to chase after it. 


When bad things happen, it technically does not make sense to get angry or blame others because you attracted the problem into your life so you are responsible for it.  Instead of getting upset, try to think better thoughts to create better outcomes in your life.  Remember, energy flows where attention goes, so set your attention to good things and expect good things for your life.

I hope you have enjoyed these law of attraction tips.  More to come soon! Feel free to comment and share your experiences.

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